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Module 1: Your Business Idea
Your Business Idea Audio Introduction
Your Business Idea: Getting Clear On Your Intention / Identifying The Demand For Your Offering / Your Point Of Difference / Connecting With Your Target Audience
Module 2: Business Starter Kit
Business Starter Kit Audio Introduction
Business Starter Kit: Business Essentials Checklist / Setting Up Your Platforms / Business Brand Design / Overcoming Fear
BONUS! Brand Design Brief Template
Module 3: Get Set For Success
Get Set For Success Audio Introduction
Get Set For Success: Planning for Success / Goal Setting / Motivation / Visualisation
BONUS! Weekly To Do List
BONUS! Daily To Do List
BONUS! Goal Setting Diagnostic
BONUS! Goal Setting Planner
BONUS! Guided Visualisation for Goal Setting Audio Track
Module 4: Building Your Business
Building Your Business Audio Introduction
Building Your Business: Your Marketing Strategy & Plan / Your Sales Funnel / Social Media / Collaboration
BONUS! Marketing Plan Template
BONUS! Marketing Activities Planner
BONUS! Social Media Plan Template
Module 5: Sustainable Methods For Success
Sustainable Methods For Success Audio Introduction
Sustainable Methods For Success: Self-Care Plan / Ritual & Routine / Stress Management / Mindset
BONUS! Meditation for Self Care Audio Track
BONUS! My Self-Care Plan
BONUS! Daily Routine Template
BONUS! Meal Planner Template
Business Plan Template
Building Your Business Audio Introduction
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